
Oh, Hey!

I’m Nickell (pronounced Knee-Kell), but you can call me Kell! I’m a woman of God, a wife, a mother, and I love creating a space filled with organization, style, and functionality. You can catch me wrangling my 4 kids most of the day, tending to my plants (I’m obsessed!), or spending time with my husband. I’m so glad you found my little slice of the internet where I keep it real. Life isn’t perfect. It’s messy… let’s navigate it together.

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Donald’s Emotional Well-Being Post-Cancer Diagnosis 
Life Nickell Morgan Life Nickell Morgan

Donald’s Emotional Well-Being Post-Cancer Diagnosis 

Around the time Donald was diagnosed with Neuroblastoma, I noticed he developed a fear of people in white coats — it didn’t matter if they came to speak with us about his treatment plan, or if they were asking him how he was doing. He was terrified. I knew this was because of the needle pokes he received in his arm to help determine his cancer diagnosis. A valuable part of the hospital staff, child life specialists, showed me the value of medical play to help Donald through the fears and emotions he might be feeling but couldn’t verbalize.

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